Building an Emacs lisp VM in Rust

Updated: 2023-01-06

About a year ago I was bitten by the PL bug. It started with reading Crafting Interpreters and discovering the wonders hidden under the hood of a compiler. I am also been a big fan of Emacs, and this started to get me interested in how its interpreter works. At the same time, I was reading the Rust book and trying to understand the concepts there. This all came to a head, and I decided to write an Emacs Lisp interpreter called rune in Rust.

My goal for this project is to bootstrap bytecomp.el and use the Emacs compiler with my bytecode vm using only stable Rust. I have not reached that goal yet, but I have bootstrapped several core Emacs lisp files. At this point I have a enough of an interpreter that I want to share an update and mention some of the trade-offs and other things I have learned.


Tree walk or bytecode?

Emacs has 3 separate execution engines: a tree walk interpreter, a Bytecode VM, and (recently!) native compile. They all provide their own sets of trade-offs, but that also means that any new feature needs to be implemented up to 3 times. I didn’t want the duplicate work, so I opted to only have a byte code VM and no interpreter. This turned out to be harder than I initially thought. All the early elisp files assume that you are using an interpreter. Macros are often used before they are defined because the interpreter has lazy-macro expansion. This is harder for a byte-compiler because you want to expand the macro’s at compile time instead of run time. I ended up needing to make some tweaks to the ordering and structure of the lisp files to support a bytecode-only bootstrap.

Object representation

A critical part of any dynamic language is how to represent types at runtime. Since you will frequently be boxing and unboxing values, you want these to be both time and space efficient.

Rust provides a strong candidate in its enums, but you are limited to the representations that they provide. Most of the time this isn’t a problem. However, because of the language specification that pointers are a full word, you can’t normally use optimizations like NaN-boxing or pointer tagging in Rust. Therefore, I was initially defining an object type as a union.

union Object<'ob> {
    tag: Tag,
    data: i64,
    marker: PhantomData<&'ob ()>,

Then in the boxing and unboxing code, I could check the type of the tag field and reinterpret the bits as whatever type was needed. This had the advantage of being extremely flexible (since I had complete control over the bit layout and representation) but it also had some drawbacks compared to a proper Rust enum.

  1. Unboxing requires unsafe code
  2. Must manually match the tag to the right data type. There are no compiler checks here.
  3. No way to match directly on the union. Need to create an accessor functions to get the underlying value as an enum.
  4. Can’t use variants as values. With an Enum you can use Option::None or Option::Some(T) as values, but instead you have to create constants to represent common values.
  5. No debugger support. A union is completely opaque to the Rust debugger.
  6. No destructuring support. Since Rust’s pattern syntax does not understand my type, there is no way to do the following
match object {
    Some(Object::Nil | Object::Int(_)) => ...,
    Some(Object::String(s)) => ...,
    _ => ...

A better solution

The enum-ptr crate provides a good way to address this. We have a tagged version of our value that will “untag” into a regular Rust enum. The “tagged” value is just a pointer and a marker.

struct Gc<T> {
    ptr: *const u8,
    _data: PhantomData<T>,

We can encode our tag in the pointer however we wish. For my project I am shifting the value by one byte and storing the tag in the low bits. You can then define a tag and untag function to convert between Gc<Object> and Object1.

This makes the type ergonomic to use, because we can use it like a normal Rust enum. But we still get the advantages of the type being more compact. The only real downside here is that we can’t implement Deref, because the type signature requires that you return a reference, and we need to return an owned value. If the Deref trait used GAT’s instead of references, we wouldn’t have this limitation.

Defining functions

I can’t take credit for this, as the idea came from remacs (the original Emacs in Rust project), but it really showcases the power of Rust procedural macros. The defun macro is applied to any normal Rust function and it then becomes callable from lisp.

#[defun(name = "-")]
pub(crate) fn sub(number: Option<Number>, numbers: &[Number]) -> NumberValue {
    match number {
        Some(num) => {
            let num = num.val();
            if numbers.is_empty() {
            } else {
                numbers.iter().fold(num, |acc, x| acc - x.val())
        None => Int(0),

This macro creates a wrapper around the function that transforms lisp objects into Rust types and back, handling any type errors along the way. The type signature of the Rust function also gets converted to the type signature in lisp; Option types become &optional and slices become &rest. For example the function signature above will become (- &optional NUMBER &rest NUMBERS). This makes it easy to use the function in Rust or lisp, and the syntax is much cleaner then the DEFUN macro used in the the Emacs C code.

Interesting learnings along the way

Generics in Rust

Generics are a really powerful feature that let you build reusable data structures and help eliminate some boilerplate. Less code means less bugs. Generics are particularly useful in conjunction with traits, letting you implement them for a range of types. However, I found that in practice generics were less useful than they could have been due to the lack of specialization. This absence means that anytime you need to specialize for one type you completely lose the use of generics for that function/trait 2. Because of this I ended up implementing many of the traits with macros instead of generics. If specialization is ever stabilized, it will remove hundreds of lines of boilerplate from the code base. But it looks like that is still a ways off.

Garbage collection

I have not currently implemented a garbage collector for my interpreter, though it doesn’t leak memory. This works because all objects are “owned” by a Context, and all the lifetimes of objects are tied to the borrow of that context. So when the context goes out of scope, so do all the objects it owns. This works fine for bootstrapping, but there is no freeing of unused memory. I have done a lot of reading on garbage collectors and they are considered very tricky to get right. As Bob Nystrom said, “garbage collector bugs really are some of the grossest invertebrates out there.”

Rust has some unique offerings that promise to not only make garbage collectors easier to implement, but safer to use as well. I am not going to go into detail here because you can find a great overview of different approaches in this series of blog posts.

The most interesting crates to me are ones that use Rust’s borrow checker to ensure that it is safe to run the collector. All objects have a lifetime tied to a Context object. Anytime the Garbage collector runs it takes a &mut self, ensuring all objects it created can’t be accessed afterwards. In order to keep objects alive you need to root them. This is done with either a stack or linked list. Some examples of this approach are joesphine and shifgrethor.

Another similar approach is the concept of generativity, which is essentially using a unique lifetime to brand objects so they cannot be unified with other Context’s. The gc-arena and cell-gc are example of this. One thing is for sure, these libraries will become much easier to use if Rust ever gets the ability to track stack roots3. Until that time there is still a wide space to be explored.

The last thing that makes garbage collectors difficult in Rust is the that the allocator API is still unstable, and probably won’t be stabilized anytime soon. Some gc algorithm’s rely on particular layouts of data to work correctly. Currently you need to either use the changing API in nightly or implement things yourself with pointers.

Fixing lifetime issues

When I first created lisp objects, they were unions with raw boxed pointers. After all, this is what you would have in C. However, after facing several memory errors, I decided to take advantage of Rust lifetime system and add lifetimes to all objects. They now hold a PhantomData of a reference. When I first made this change it lead to a lot of pain. I learned it is very valuable to really step back and actually think about borrow checker messages. Oftentimes rather then fighting the borrow checker, you are better off restructuring your code to make it more lifetime friendly. Once I did a major refactor where data flows from main to the rest of the program most of my lifetimes issues just disappeared. Another thing to keep in mind is that just because Rust allows your lifetimes doesn’t make them correct. All that rustc cares about is that your lifetimes are not memory unsafe; it doesn’t care if they are correct. It is up to you as the developer to make sure your lifetimes are right. Most often what I needed to do to correct my lifetimes was to split them up. Forcing Rust to unify unrelated lifetimes is guaranteed to cause more pain then needed.

Globals vs multi-threaded

I was initially inspired to do this project by Crafting Interpreters and reading the Emacs internals. Both of these programs make heavy use of globals to store and manipulate state, which is very common in C. However Rust takes a different stance. In Rust there is no such thing as single threaded code. Even code that does not rely on any concurrency constructs is expected to work without issues in a multi-threaded environment. This means all globals must be wrapped in a concurrency safe type.

However, I was still convinced that I wanted to do things the “C” way. It made following my templates (Lox and Emacs) much easier. Accessing a raw global is cheap; Accessing it though a mutex is not. I “knew” that my interpreter was not multi-threaded and I did not want to pay that overhead. However, finding out how to implement raw globals was no easy task. It took some digging, but I did discover that you can implement C-style zero-cost globals in Rust with some unsafe code. Not too long after I implemented that I began to run into random test failures. I found much to my surprise that even the test runner in Rust is multi-threaded! At this point, I broke down and decided to get on board with the Rust approach to concurrency. I moved all globals to the stack or put them behind a mutex. It wasn’t as bad as I feared.

The seeds of parallelism

As part of the move to a concurrency safe runtime, I started thinking about what it would take to have a true multi-threaded Emacs lisp. To experiment with this, I set it up so that all functions are shared between threads with atomics; But values are thread local. This brought up some interesting challenges that Emacs lisp presents to concurrency, all related to mutability and aliasing.

For one, function literals are mutable in lisp. This means you can change a function by mutating it’s return value. If functions are shared between threads, then they can’t be mutable; Otherwise you expose yourself to dataraces. In Common Lisp they just say “yolo!” and make mutating a function literal undefined behavior. However, you can’t easily tell when you are doing this; It can often be very far from the call site.

Another issue is that aliasing is very common in elisp. This generally isn’t an issue in single-threaded code, but becomes a source of very difficult bugs in a multi-threaded world. You need to either make all objects concurrency safe (which is very expensive) or prevent threads from mutably aliasing each other’s data. This is one of the areas where Rust really shines, but would require a lot of hard trade-offs in lisp.

For example, concurrency in Emacs would not be very useful without the ability to share buffers. If you share buffers, you also need a way to share buffer local variables; and buffer local variables can share data (cons cells, strings, and vectors) with other local variables. There is no way to share a buffer with another thread without also sharing your entire environment. At some point I plan to write more about potential multi-threading in Emacs, but that will have to be saved for a future post.

Rust as a language backend

Overall, I have come to love Rust! It makes systems programming feel accessible. And the community is absolutely awesome 4. I’ve never had a question that I was not able to get help with. That being said, implementing an interpreter for a dynamic language in Rust is particularly challenging because the host language does not5 follow Rust’s rules around mutability and aliasing. To solve this you need to either do runtime accounting using Rc<RefCell<T>> (which is expensive and leaks cycles), or deal with upholding all of Rust invariants manually in unsafe code. Neither is a very attractive proposition.

Speaking of unsafe, you often hear that writing unsafe code is “just like writing C”. That is not really true. Rust has more invariants that need to be upheld then does C, especially related to mutability, aliasing, traits, layout, initialization, and dropping. All these invariants need to be considered when writing unsafe code and can lead to very tricky unsound behavior. Many of these are either not a concern, or much less of a concern, in correct C code.

Rust also lacks a feature of C that is used to implement fast interpreter loops; computed goto. This feature can be used to implement direct threading without the need for assembly code, giving a sizable performance increase on some processors6. Rust may support this in the future, but given the complex interactions this would have with the borrow checker, I doubt it. I could see future where fast Rust interpreters write their inner dispatch loop in C just to take advantage of this feature.

Now, none of this is to say that Rust is poor language for writing a dynamic language backend. On the contrary, it offers some features like sum types, unnullable pointers, and safety from concurrent data races that are really powerful. However, some of Rust’s core strengths in aliasing and mutability apply less well to this domain then they do to others.


I really gained an appreciation for the depth of the Emacs internals. That code has been around for a long time and is very mature; but at the same time, it is also under active development. Trying to implement Emacs from scratch would mean not only matching the current well-tested functionality, but also trying to keep up with the constantly changing internals. While Emacs may not be the most elegant C code base, it is certainly robust.

As for how long I plan to continue this project, I don’t really know. At very least I am going to bootstrap the Emacs lisp compiler to test it against my runtime and implement a garbage collector. My expectation is either that I will learn enough about text-editors and interpreters to be able to contribute to Emacs proper, or I will find a problem in the Rust ecosystem that does not have a good solution and focus on that instead. Or I may continue to see how far I can push this project. Either way, contributions and testing are welcome. Please take a look at the code and give feedback. I am particularly interested in anything that could be unsound or lead to undefined behavior. This has been a great experience and I am learning more than I could have hoped.

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  1. As an added bonus converting between objects can be a no-op with the arbitrary_enum_discriminant feature that was released with Rust 1.66↩︎

  2. This issue shows how a seemingly innocent blanket implementation in the core can break a bunch of generics for all users due to no specialization. ↩︎

  3. LLVM has support for this, but is has not been moved into Rust yet. ↩︎

  4. That is, so long as you don’t use a trigger phrase like “unsafe code” or “this works fine in C”. ↩︎

  5. Some functional languages do have invariants around immutability, but they often use mutability under the hood. ↩︎

  6. I saw some claims that using threaded dispatch in CPython brought a 10-20% improvement, but I didn’t see benchmarks. ↩︎